Having Trouble Keeping Your Makeup Organized at Home? Here's How to Actually Do It!

Cleaning and organizing…Who has time for this? Who actually likes to do this? (I kinda do) Tidying up can be quite a hassle, especially when it involves makeup. It’s certainly no walk in the park. If you are one of the people who have spent years collecting your stash, then there’s no doubt you have faced the same issue time and again.


Although it’s convenient to shove everything into a single (or multiple) drawers and keep the mess, it’s far from effective. It’s like when you were a kid and your parents told you to eat the dreaded (insert horrible food here). You are just moving that hated food around on your plate, but it’s still going to be there no matter where you put it! You might have a hard time finding that favorite lipstick for a quick swipe before going out. Having a huge stash of makeup sounds enticing, but it can also be overwhelming if not properly organized. Also, it can become a health hazard if it’s too old, but that’s another conversation …


As with any organization, there is no right way to sort out your makeup. There are tons of ways you can do so, from vertical organization units to clear acrylic bags. Here is a guide to hopefully help you keep your makeup organized at home.



Where should you begin

When you consider the amount of makeup you have, you may be daunted at the thought of cleaning everything out. How do you even begin to tackle this mountain? One step at a time…


Step 1: Take stock of your current organization system

First and foremost, take stock of what’s working and what isn’t. You may already have an organizing system in place - whether or not it is useful is something you need to figure out. Notice what doesn’t work - are there products you pushed to the back you aren’t using anymore? Do you have enough storage units?


Step 2: Clear out the clutter

The next step is to take everything out of your vanity, drawers, purses, and bags. You likely have many products that you don’t often use or rotting away full of bacteria (eww) in your abandoned purse. After taking everything out, throw away what is expired and give away things you haven’t used but your friends would love. 


Step 3: Clean everything

If you have storage containers, clean everything and erase those makeup stains. Clean out your brushes as well - don’t skip out just because they seem clean at first glance. Always wash your brushes, IF USED, once a week. If not used regularly, wash them every 2-3 weeks.


Now that you have a collection you’re going to use often (minus all the clutter and extra products), you’re all set to start organizing!



How can you organize

Organize according to convenience

Although it’s tempting to buy those pretty containers and organizers for every single type of makeup product possible, you might not even need them. Every makeup-obsessed person has their personal organizing system. Your task is to find your own. The important thing is to organize your products by HOW you use them.


You may want to keep your most-used makeup products in one container - these could include something you use for your everyday makeup. A separate box or drawer can be dedicated to party makeup, such as products you use specifically for formal events. The system is all up to how you use each of your products.


Use drawers

Instead of keeping the clutter on the countertop of your vanity, opt for drawers instead. IKEA has a variety of options for drawer sets, some even specifically dedicated to organizing your products. You can dedicate each drawer to a different category, such as lipsticks, eyeshadows, concealers, and more.


Not only can you easily organize your makeup within containers placed in the drawers, but it keeps your makeup out of sight too. The lack of clutter on the countertop immediately makes the space look cleaner.


Use dividers and labels

There are only so many drawers you can fit into a single room without it cluttering everything more than it already is. Instead of using one drawer for a type of product you don’t have much of, you can use dividers and easily fit more products without cluttering them together.


If you are using vertical drawers, it can be helpful to label them as well, in case you forget which product is kept where.


Use clear acrylic storage

Alternatively, instead of purchasing vertical drawers or storage units, you can instead buy clear acrylic storage. This way, you can always instantly spot the product you’re looking for without going through every drawer. You can also divide it into categories. I personally use these and LOVE THEM!!!


Rotate or get rid of old makeup

You might always be looking to grow your makeup collection. However, it’s easy for clutter to gather and your organization system to get messed up if you keep filling your drawers. Make sure you don’t keep makeup that you purchased years and years back.

Try rotating infrequently used makeup to the front or most used drawers, so you remember to test them out occasionally too. Not only will keeping old makeup be a waste of money, but it’s bad for your health too - just in case you use it without realizing how old it actually is.


Clean out as often as you can

You might be hoarding makeup without even realizing how much you’ve already collected. Make sure you clean out your organization units as often as possible. As suggested earlier, keep rotating or removing old makeup. It’ll be good for your own health, plus you won’t need to spend days cleaning out everything once a year.


Cleaning out often is much more effective and easier to do than spending hours upon hours doing it in a single day.


Keep experimenting

If this is your first time organizing your makeup, it is unlikely that you will find the perfect organizational system for you on the first go. Don’t be disheartened! Keep experimenting with what works and what doesn’t. You might not be a fan of vertical organization units, but clear acrylic storage may be your thing!


Just because a particular system works for your favorite beauty guru or makeup blogger doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you. The key to a great makeup organization system is your convenience and preference. Try different ways until you can confidently decide that it’s perfect for your needs.

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