10 Genuine Tips on How to Effectively Combat Breakouts!
No matter how much you take care of your skin, almost everybody suffers from a breakout at least once in their lives. If you've never faced such an issue, then you are one of the few fortunate ones. Breakouts are extremely common for people who have severe acne. If genetics are involved, then there's no way to beat a breakout.
However, don't lose hope just yet! While breakouts can be troublesome and stubborn, there are several ways you can fight them. You can always attempt to wait out acne, or you may need to go to a dermatologist in severe cases.
Here is a guide to effectively combat a breakout - covering everything from the basics to getting professional help.
Why do you get acne?
Let's get the why out of the way first. On the one hand, your acne may result from genetics, in which case there is no other option than to wait it out. On the other hand, acne can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, infections, and hair plugging.
In the latter case, it's best to attempt to combat a breakout as soon as you can.
How can you combat a breakout?
The Basics
When you get a breakout, there is no need to jump onto antibiotics immediately (unless your dermatologist recommends it, of course). You can take some necessary steps to make sure you're taking care of your skin as much as you possibly can at the moment.
Wash your face twice a day
The worst thing you can do for your skin (among others) is sleep without cleansing your face properly. Leaving makeup on may not seem like a big deal, but it affects your skin negatively. Even if it's a tiring task, make sure you clean your face at least twice a day, if not more.
At the very least, try keeping face wipes by your bed, so you remember to clean your face without exerting too much energy or effort.
Know your skin type
It's crucial to know your skin type, besides knowing exactly why you have acne. Different types of skin cause different types of acne. Make sure you know exactly what your skin calls for before changing up products.
Change your face towel regularly
This doesn't mean pulling out a new towel every single time you cleanse your face. But, it's still essential to switch your towel every few days, or at least once a week. Dirty towels - much like dirty clothes - are a breeding ground for bacteria. As something you use many times throughout the day, make sure to change it out as often as possible.
Moisturize at least once a day
Much like everything else so far, moisturizing seems like common sense. However, you may forget to do your routine more often than not. Like the cleanser, make sure you purchase a moisturizer that suits your skin type and skin needs.
Keep track of your water intake
This might be an obvious one; however, it is a tip that is often overlooked. Cold weather can deceive you into thinking that you are hydrating sufficiently when in reality, it's the exact opposite. Make sure you intake at least eight glasses of water a day.
What can you do if it's still not working?
There is a limit to how many essential techniques to keep your skin clean can help. In case the breakouts are still occurring, you might need to change things up a bit.
Ice helps bring the swelling down
If washing your face regularly and switching out your towels doesn't help, try icing your acne. As with other injuries, icing helps reduce swelling and inflammation. After wrapping the ice cube in a soft cloth, apply it to your acne for half a minute at a time.
Use the right cleanser
Getting the best-selling cleanser can seem tempting, but there is a high chance it won't suit your skin. The important thing is to pay attention to your skin - is it too dry? Is it too oily? Make sure to research different cleansers before taking your pick.
Change your sunscreen
In the summers, there is probably not a single day that you go without sunscreen. While you may already have your favorite brand of sunscreen, it is essential to keep in mind that sunscreens may be the cause of the breakouts.
Try looking into sunscreens recommended explicitly by dermatologists, so it prevents further sunscreen-cause breakouts.
Try using tree oil
Using different products or antibiotics may not always be the best solution. Among home remedies are the popular one of using tree oil - it has anti-inflammatory properties that'll bring down your acne's inflammation.
Take care of your diet
In this case, you might need to consult a dermatologist and nutritionist first. What foods are contributing to your breakouts? By consulting professionals, you can attempt to cut out - or at least reduce - the intake of those foods so your skin can heal. On a simpler level, only eating healthier meals will improve your skin exponentially.
When should you get professional help?
Sometimes, no matter how much you try, you may not be able to combat a breakout effectively on your own. In that case, the next step is to visit a dermatologist. It is their job to help you eliminate the inflammation. Whether it is for a recent breakout or old scarring, dermatologists undoubtedly have the solution to your problem.
Don't be deterred in case the treatment doesn't work on the first go. There are many options your dermatologist can try out to help you - the key is patience!
A final word
That said, it's important not to stress yourself out over a breakout. In fact, that may even be the reason why you have a breakout in the first place. Try everything you can and get professional help. But make sure not to go overboard - there are only so many changes our skin can handle long term.