A Better Beauty Routine for Busy Moms-Useful Tips & Tricks!

Being a mom is no easy feat: you have to take on the role of a parent, a teacher, a sibling, a friend and many more. There is always a never-ending list of stuff to do and things to plan. So, it’s probably not surprising that, as a mom, you may not get enough time to complete your regular beauty and skincare routine every single day.


A skincare routine is an extremely important part of the day for most people, especially those interested in beauty and fashion. As a busy mom, it might be a common occurrence for you to hurriedly apply mascara or eyeliner as you step out or apply your sunscreen at the red light. Here is a helpful guide to a beauty routine that will be perfect for busy women!


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Why do you even need a skincare routine?

A beauty or skincare routine is the perfect me-time for a busy mom. As a mother, you probably have too much on your plate to take care of yourself properly, because you take care of everything else. Although it may not be obvious at times, the stress still takes a toll on you, mentally and physically.


Many busy women have been the victims of worry lines, dark circles, and dull complexions. Often, the physical manifestation of stress makes you look much older than you actually are. (It happens to the best of us) Being a mom is undoubtedly a full-time job, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect yourself! A skincare routine is THEE perfect thing for your health, appearance, and self-care.



The morning beauty routine

Your skincare and beauty routine can be divided into morning and night (never skip out of cleaning off the makeup!), and keeping it simple is key to a good routine for a busy woman.


Step #1: Use Mild Cleanser

As a morning step, make sure your cleanser is a gentle one - with enough strength to wash off the residue from the night. Washing your face with water works just as well, (thanks Salma Hayek) but the cleanser can act as an extra refreshment.


Step #2: Apply Serum

A serum targets your wrinkles, lines, and spots. Too many people mess up the order of putting on beauty products - unfortunately, it ends up worsening your skin. At this stage, make sure you apply the serum directly after using the cleanser. Place the serum in your palm, rub together slightly, and then use a patting/pressing motion onto your skin. This way doesn’t add extra stress or stretch to your skin.


Step #3: Moisturize

Even if you don’t follow the entire routine, moisturizing is one of the most important things you need to apply. Moisturizers are essential for good skin, and a tinted one can cover up some spots and blemishes you might otherwise need a concealer for.


Step #4: Apply Sunscreen

Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn’t only apply sunscreen in hot weather. Sunscreen is essential for good skin no matter the weather. If the sun is shinin’, put on the sunscreen- make sure you are applying an SPF that suits your skin!


Step #5: The bonuses: Makeup

Keep in mind that makeup doesn’t mean doing over your entire look - all you need is a little mascara and blush for your daily routine. If you have more time, then apply a bit of eyeshadow, but for the most part, blush is more than enough!


Step #6: Finish off with lipstick or gloss

Here, apply your go-to color, be it blood-red or pink nude. You don’t need to add a lip liner to the mix - a simple lipstick reduces the hassle of reapplying.



The nighttime beauty routine

A long day can take a toll on both your energy levels and your skin. So, a nighttime routine is equally important to implement. Unlike the morning routine, this one’s much simpler.


Step #1: Remove your makeup

You may have heard this from beauty gurus far and wide and not without reason! Makeup lets out excess oil and environmental pollutants that can cause acne, so make sure you remove all your makeup first thing at night. Use micellar water, double cleanse oil or balm. Please skip the makeup wipes!


Step #2: Cleanse

As important as it is to use a cleanser in the morning, it is equally important to cleanse at night, too. It removes the dead cells that accumulated throughout the day, so your face is clean and clear again.


Step #3: Mask It

Applying a mask or sheet mask can be very soothing after a long day. Apply one for 20-30 minutes, have a glass of wine or whatever, and relax! Once you remove the mask, feel free to rub in the remaining nutrients. (if it’s a sheet mask)

Step #3: Moisturize like you mean it

Your busy life and the air around you affect your skin much more than you may assume. This step is particularly important to do twice a day if you have dry or cracked skin. You can also add whichever serum before you moisturize as well.

Additional tips for busy moms

Now that you have your basic routines down, here are some more additional tips you can implement throughout your day to make sure you are taking care of yourself in little ways that show big results.


#1: Plan for your day

As is the case with your tasks, plan out your makeup the day ahead. Layout all the essentials and products the night before, so you don’t waste time looking for things the next day.


#2: Hydrate properly

Water is critical not only for your survival but also for clear skin. You don’t need that fancy new cream for your acne most of the time - adequate hydration is often more than enough for good skin. As a busy woman, you may also have go-to coffee whenever you’re thirsty, but substituting water for coffee is the farthest thing from a good idea.


#3: Keep Vaseline handy

Vaseline is a multipurpose gel - dry skin, cracked lips, scrapes, you name it. It can also act as a lip gloss if you’re running really late or even a highlighter for that extra shimmer on your cheekbones!


#4: Mix it up

As important as a regular routine is, make sure you don’t stick to a single product for too long. Once your skin gets used to it, there is a less likely chance that applying the product will have any effect. So make sure you switch to a different product every once in a while.


#5: Use brow pencils & gel

Brow pencils are often underestimated, but applying them once can bring a freshness to your overall look that few other products can! If you haven’t had time for tweezing, this is the perfect solution!

I hope you find these little tips and tricks useful! Let me know in the comments below if you have any other nifty ideas.

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