Look Youthful and MORE Beautiful with These Firming Facial Exercises!!!

It would always be great if there were a magic potion for you to stay young forever, but in reality, there isn’t. (and no, botox is NOT a solution for everything!) If you like to splash your face with several anti-aging products, then you should hold on and try to give your face a bit of workout. Facial exercise can be very helpful for you to retain elasticity and also keep your skin soft and supple for a longer period.

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What are the benefits of facial exercises?

Facial exercises also called facial yoga, are very helpful to strengthen the muscle groups so that the skin remains young and firm. It can surely be a great alternative to the fillers that are painful and super expensive, whereas the facial exercises are completely free.

Normally, we hold a lot of tension in our faces, and all of this stress, combining the time that we spend in front of the screen, can wreak havoc on the skin. Many facial exercises can help counter the effects. These exercises aim to improve blood circulation and offer you a healthy glow by reducing tension and stress in the face.


Facial exercises you can try to firm your skin

The following are the simple facial exercises that can firm your skin.

·         Wink and hold

The wink and hold technique is found to be helpful to fight the wrinkles and fight lines in the undereye region. You don't need to worry if you can't wink because it only needs you to close the eyes for some time. Hold your partial wink for one second, then make sure that you can contract all your muscles around the winking eye, and then release slowly. Try to repeat this 20-25 times in a single set, but never overdo it because one a day can be sufficient.

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·         Brow raiser

You can perk up your eyebrows with the brow raiser and keep them where you want them to be. Constant wincing and aging can make the brows droop. Therefore, with the help of a few simple steps, you can get them to stay raised.

For most women, taut eyebrows are a desirable trait, and they can get it by sticking their middle and index fingers together. Then place your fingers just above the brows and push down the skin. In the next step, you can make the brows go up and down, and by adding tension with your fingers, you can push them down. You can repeat it for six sets with ten eyebrow raises and drops.


·         Cheekbone lift

It is possible to get a sharper definition on your cheekbones with a few simple steps. You can join your index and middle finger and then place these fingers over each cheekbone. Until your skin is tight, try to lift the skin gently. Open your mouth so that you can form an oval ‘O’, as there will be resistance in your cheek muscles. Hold your lift for just five seconds, repeat these steps for around 10-15 sets for the defined cheekbones.

·         Eye toning

The droopy eyelids make many people feel conscious, and many don’t want to choose the botox way. Therefore, a few exercises can help this purpose and work well on the eye bags, crow's feet, and puffiness.

It would help if you placed the index and middle fingers in the V formation on the eyes. Then press and hold down both the middle fingers together at the inner corners of your eyebrows. Apply a little pressure on the outer edges of your eyebrows with the index fingers.

By looking up at the ceiling, you can raise the lower eyelids upwards to make a strong squint and then relax. It is important that you make this move at least six times and then end this set by squeezing the eyes shut tight for around 10 seconds.


·         Forehead fine-tuning

When you stress out more than necessary, it gets you wincing at your screen. The first place where wrinkles can start appearing is the forehead, but you can take care of them right away with a single exercise. The best thing about this exercise is that you can do it anywhere without making any weird faces.

There are barely any steps, and this facial exercise can be done by making a surprised face. If you act surprised, it can smoothen out the wrinkles and fine lines from your forehead. It would be great for you if it is possible for you to keep your forehead frozen, widen the eyes as much as possible, and then repeat the same process 8-10 times a day.


·         Cheek plumping

A plump and supple skin offered us with a youthful charm that we had when we were teenagers. It is possible to plump up the skin by raising the folds around the nose. It is quite a simple technique that involves a lot of smiling.

Try to start by smiling as widely as possible, and with your fingertips, press down the folds between your nose and lips. While pressing down to create resistance, you can lift the cheek muscles. Try to make sure that you keep the fingertips firm to avoid hand overstressing. You need to do this for 2-3 minutes when taking well-spaced-put breaks.


·         Double chin workout

A muscle called platysma can be blamed for giving you the not-so-cute double chin. This muscle connects the jawline to the shoulders, while the loosening leads to sag skin on the neck. With quick facial exercises, you can bring them back to being tight.

Sit straight or stand, and pick a position that is comfortable for you. By looking up the ceiling, you can tilt your head to the back. Hold the head still, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Let go slowly and then bring your chin down to the normal position. This move should be repeated in five sets, and each set should last about 25-30 seconds.


Bottom Line

Facial exercises are the ones that have long been debated about, and many people ask whether they work or not. Though not all of them may work, for instance, pulling your cheeks would not give you a facelift, but other exercises can work. By doing these exercises, you can have sculpted features and firm skin.