How to Wear Eyeshadow With Glasses...And Still Look Fabulous!!!


For most women, makeup application can be quite a handful, but when a pair of glasses is added to the equation, applying and maintaining makeup can be challenging. WHEW! But it doesn't mean that you should avoid wearing makeup altogether if you are wearing glasses. 

It is essential to find the right makeup tips that can help create a makeup look that can be best for you. You can make the most of your makeup and frame combo that can create eye-popping moments. The following tips can be the best when you wear eye makeup with glasses, whatever eye shape you have.

When wearing glasses, there are times when these glasses tend to cast shadows on the eyes. Lightening up a few parts of your skin can be the best thing that you can do in this case. The skin that surrounds your nose and under the eye, you can use a lighter foundation on it. When you apply this simple step, it can indeed work for you to have a great look.


  • Do the Brows

Keeping your eyebrows clean is always a good idea, and in addition to this, you must make sure that your eyebrow can match your glasses' size and style. If you are using glasses with a significant and bold frame, it is better to make your eyebrows more shapely and thinly. In the eyeglasses with thinner frames, you can have a full and defined eyebrow that suits such frames.

  • Play with the Eyes

The majority of women who wear glasses think that the best way to do eye makeup is by keeping it simple. But even the striking and bold eye makeup can also work very well for you. Using your liner, you can achieve a cat eye and then opt for the eye-catching eye shadow color. You have to keep in mind the color of your frame when you choose your eyeshadow's shade.

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  • Downplay your Lips

The general rule for makeup is that you both highlight the lips or eyes and ever highlight both. You can match a dramatic eyeshadow application if you have glasses with a dramatic flair. You can then downplay the lips, and so you have to opt for the lipstick with a neutral shade, or you can even go for the lip gloss.

  • Blush is Also Essential

You keep your lips as natural as possible when wearing glasses, and so the best way to add color to the face is by putting on some blush. If you opt for the blush powder, it will be great because this product will not mess up your glasses. Go for the pink blush shade and apply it on your cheeks' apples so that the blush offers you a natural look.


You have to understand that the frame color itself has a cosmetic effect. Therefore, when you select a frame for yourself, it is always better to choose a color that not only looks great on you but it can also work hard to make you look your very best.

If you have any tips on wearing eyeshadow with glasses, leave them in the comments below!!